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IMET2000 Emergency Campaign for War Victims in Palestine


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Our Programmes

Providing Healthcare Education Worldwide


IMET2000 believes that a learning model must be continuously updated and based around the carefully identified needs of individual countries. For example, a three-year training programme for community health workers who are therefore committed to serving their own people especially in rural areas is often more suitable to the need. Alongside such an initiative, upgrading of the nursing profession with opportunities for specialisation and ‘lead’ or ‘consultant nurse’ status is often a cost-effective alternative to expensive physician training.

In addition, ambulance drivers and paramedics are often not only first on the scene but provide the only skills available in an extreme emergency; they too need better training. IMET2000 seeks to improve healthcare education, clinical research and specialist training right across the board to encourage a truly multidisciplinary approach not centred on hospitals but on family practice clinics. Finally, we seek to address the shortage of healthcare workers in all disciplines by increasing the availability of cost-effective distance learning opportunities and sponsoring students from disadvantaged backgrounds.


Facilitating continuous lifelong learning and professional development for doctors, nurses, dentists, paramedics, community health workers and allied health professionals in Palestine.

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Backing education and training concentrated mostly on research in IVF, genetics, tissue banking, tissue regeneration, transplantation, pathology and maternal health.

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IMET2000-Ukraine UNESCO Chair in Cryobiology

Providing affordable healthcare services to poor rural village communities in Africa and India as well as in Tibetan refugee communities in North India. See our story with Herona Hospital. 

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IMET2000-Africa and Asia